Friday 7 September 2012

Starting AS Media Studies

Hello welcome to my Blog. This blog will be used to contribute to my AS Media Studies coursework. I will be posting links, pictures, videos etc. to help me on my journey of A-Level Media Studies.

 In my first media lesson of year 12 Mr Buckmaster gave me useful websites to look at including his blog, the Guardian newspaper, the OCR, the Art of the Title website which has many opening sequences and Pete Frazer's blog which I have looked at. However I found many of the information he posts very useful. 

I chose Media Studies as an A-Level because of my love of theatre and film. My sister is also currently in her second year of A-Level Media and really enjoys it; I have watched her process of making an opening sequence and found it really interesting. I am also taking Drama and Theatre Studies at A-Level after enjoying it significantly throughout my Marlborough education, so will be up for playing a role in our project and really enjoy directing. I also learnt a lot about lighting, sound, costumes and more whilst studying GCSE drama last year which I hope will help my Media Studies too.

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